Create a Custom Lightning Component for Show Approve/Reject Status of Selected Records through Modal Popup in Salesforce Lightning Component | custom approval process in salesforce lightning component


Hey guys, today in this post we are going to learn about how toCreate a Custom Lightning Component for Show Approve/Reject Status of Selected Records through Modal Popup in Salesforce Lightning Component.

Files we used in this post example Lightning Application It is used for call the component to preview on browser.
approveRejectCmp.cmp Lightning Component It is used for create a table for display the Buttons and Table Row Data
approveRejectCmpController.js JavaScript Controller File It is hold Javascript Click Function to display Approve/Reject Status
approveRejectCmpHelper.js JavaScript Controller Helper File It is hold for Javascript Click Function to display Approve/Reject Status
approveRejectCmp.css Component Style CSS It is used for Alignment of Table and Buttons

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Approve/Reject Status In Lightning Component --


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Create Lightning Application

Step 1:- Create Lightning Application :

From Developer Console >> File >> New >> Lightning Application [Component Application File]

  1.   <aura:application extends="force:slds">
  2.     <c:approveRejectCmp/>
  3. </aura:application>

Create Lightning Component

Step 2:- Create Lightning Component : approveRejectCmp.cmp

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From Developer Console >> File >> New >> Lightning Component

approveRejectCmp.cmp [Lightning Component File]

  1.   <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >
  2. 	<aura:attribute name="rejectDocumentMsg0" type="String"/>
  3.     <aura:attribute name="rejectDocumentMsg1" type="String"/>
  4.     <aura:attribute name="rejectDocumentMsg2" type="String"/>
  5.     <aura:attribute name="rejectDocumentMsg3" type="String"/>
  6.     <aura:attribute name="rejectDocumentMsg4" type="String"/>
  8.     <aura:attribute name="dataRowModal" type="String" default="dataRowModal"/>
  9.     <div class="slds slds-p-horizontal--medium">
  10.        <div class="test-id__section slds-m-vertical_none slds-section has-header slds-p-bottom_medium"> 
  11.            <h3 class="test-id__section-header-container slds-section__title">Approve/Reject Status</h3>
  12.         </div>   
  13.         <table width="100%" class="slds-table slds-table_bordered  slds-table_cell-buffer" border="0" style="border:1px #ddd solid;">
  14.             <tbody> 
  15.                 <tr class="dataRowIcon" id="dataRowIcon0">
  16.                     <td><div style="width:35px;"><span class="approvalIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:approval" size="xx-small" alternativeText="approval"/></span> <span class="rejectIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:close" size="xx-small" alternativeText="Reject"/></span></div></td>
  17.                     <td width="20%">Content Approval  </td>
  18.                     <td width="30%"><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Approval Documents</a></td>
  19.                     <td width="30%"><div class="slds-truncate" style="max-width:200px;">{!v.rejectDocumentMsg0}</div></td>
  20.                     <td width="20%">
  22.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--success" id="approve" name="dataRowIcon0" onclick="{!c.approveAction}">Approve</button>
  23.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--destructive" name="dataRowIcon0" onclick="{!c.rejectAction}">Reject</button>
  24.                     </td>
  25.                     <td colspan="5">
  27.                     </td> 
  28.                 </tr>
  30.                 <tr class="dataRowIcon" id="dataRowIcon1">
  31.                     <td><div style="width:35px;"><span class="approvalIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:approval" size="xx-small" alternativeText="approval"/></span> <span class="rejectIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:close" size="xx-small" alternativeText="Reject"/></span></div></td>
  32.                     <td width="20%">SharePoint Content approval </td>
  33.                     <td width="30%"><a href="#">SharePoint Documents</a></td>
  34.                     <td width="30%">{!v.rejectDocumentMsg1}</td>
  35.                     <td width="20%">
  36.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--success" id="approve" name="dataRowIcon1" onclick="{!c.approveAction}">Approve</button>
  37.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--destructive" name="dataRowIcon1" onclick="{!c.rejectAction}">Reject</button>
  38.                     </td>
  39.                     <td colspan="5"></td> 
  40.                 </tr>
  42.                 <tr class="dataRowIcon" id="dataRowIcon2">
  43.                      <td><div style="width:35px;"><span class="approvalIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:approval" size="xx-small" alternativeText="approval"/></span> <span class="rejectIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:close" size="xx-small" alternativeText="Reject"/></span></div></td>
  44.                     <td width="20%">Request sign off and Approval</td>
  45.                     <td width="30%"><a href="/resource/SamplePDF">Sign Off and Approval Documents</a></td>
  46.                     <td width="30%">{!v.rejectDocumentMsg2}</td>
  47.                     <td width="20%">
  48.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--success" name="dataRowIcon2" onclick="{!c.approveAction}">Approve</button>
  49.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--destructive" name="dataRowIcon2" onclick="{!c.rejectAction}">Reject</button>
  50.                     </td>
  51.                     <td colspan="5"></td> 
  52.                 </tr>
  54.                 <tr class="dataRowIcon" id="dataRowIcon3">
  55.                     <td><div style="width:35px;"><span class="approvalIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:approval" size="xx-small" alternativeText="approval"/></span> <span class="rejectIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:close" size="xx-small" alternativeText="Reject"/></span></div></td>
  56.                     <td width="20%">Travel Document</td>
  57.                     <td width="30%"><a href="#">Travel Approval Document</a></td>
  58.                     <td width="30%">{!v.rejectDocumentMsg3}</td>
  59.                     <td width="20%">
  60.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--success" name="dataRowIcon3" onclick="{!c.approveAction}">Approve</button>
  61.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--destructive" name="dataRowIcon3" onclick="{!c.rejectAction}">Reject</button>
  62.                     </td>
  63.                     <td colspan="5"></td> 
  64.                 </tr>  
  66.                 <tr class="dataRowIcon" id="dataRowIcon4">
  67.                     <td><div style="width:35px;"><span class="approvalIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:approval" size="xx-small" alternativeText="approval"/></span> <span class="rejectIcon"><lightning:icon iconName="action:close" size="xx-small" alternativeText="Reject"/></span></div></td>
  68.                     <td width="20%">Travel Insurance Agreements</td>
  69.                     <td width="30%"><a href="#">Travel Insurance Approval</a></td>
  70.                     <td width="30%">{!v.rejectDocumentMsg4}</td>
  71.                     <td width="20%">
  72.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--success" name="dataRowIcon4" onclick="{!c.approveAction}">Approve</button>
  73.                         <button class="slds-button slds-button--destructive" name="dataRowIcon4" onclick="{!c.rejectAction}">Reject</button>
  74.                     </td>
  75.                     <td colspan="5"></td> 
  76.                 </tr>   
  78.             </tbody>    
  79.         </table>
  81.         <section id="modalFade" class="slds-modal" >
  82.             <div class="slds-modal__container">
  83.                 <header class="slds-modal__header">
  84.                     <button class="slds-button slds-modal__close slds-button--icon-inverse" name="dataRowIcon0" title="Close" onclick="{!c.closePopup}">
  85.                         <lightning:icon iconName="utility:close" variant="bare"  icon-class="slds-m-around_medium" size="small" alternativeText="close"/>
  86.                     </button>
  88.                     <h2 class="slds-text-heading_medium slds-hyphenate">Approve/Reject Status</h2>
  89.                 </header>
  90.                 <div class="slds-modal__content slds-p-around_medium">         
  91.                     <div  class="slds-form-element">
  92.                         <label class="slds-form-element__label">Comment</label>
  93.                         <div class="slds-form-element__controller">
  94.                             <ui:inputTextArea aura:id="rejectFeedback" class="slds-textarea" value="" rows="3"/>
  95.                         </div>                                         
  96.                     </div>
  98.                 </div>
  99.                 <footer class="slds-modal__footer">
  100.                     <button class="slds-button slds-button--destructive" name="dataRowIcon0" onclick="{!c.closePopup}">Cancel</button>
  101.                     <button class="slds-button slds-button_brand" id="reject" name="{!v.dataRowModal}" onclick="{!c.saveFeedAction}">Save</button>
  102.                 </footer>
  103.             </div>
  104.         </section>
  105.        <div id="modalBackdrop" class="slds-backdrop"></div>
  107.  <br/><br/>
  108.    <!--Start RelatedTopics Section-->
  109. <div style="border:1px #ddd solid; padding:10px; background:#eee; margin:40px 0;">
  111.             <p data-aura-rendered-by="435:0"><img src="" width="25" height="25" style="vertical-align:top; margin-right:10px;" data-aura-rendered-by="436:0"><strong data-aura-rendered-by="437:0"><span style="font-size:16px; font-style:italic; display:inline-block; margin-right:5px;">Don't forget to check out:-</span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" style="text-decoration:none;" data-aura-rendered-by="440:0">An easy way to learn step-by-step online free Salesforce tutorial, To know more Click  <span style="color:#ff8000; font-size:18px;" data-aura-rendered-by="442:0">Here..</span></a></strong></p>
  113.             <br/><br/>
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  134.                 </div>
  135.                <div style="clear:both;"></div> 
  136.                <br/>
  137.                 <div class="youtubeIcon">
  138.                     <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="" width="25" height="25" style="vertical-align:top; margin-right:10px;"/> <strong>TechW3web:-</strong> To know more, Use this <span style="color: #ff8000; font-weight: bold;">Link</span> </a>
  139.                 </div>
  140.     </div>
  142. </div>
  144.   <!--End RelatedTopics Section-->
  146.     </div>
  147. </aura:component>

Create Component JavaScript Controller

Step 3:- Create Lightning Component : approveRejectCmpController.js

From Developer Console >> File >> New >> Lightning Component >> JavaScript Controller

approveRejectCmpController.js [JavaScript Controller]

  1.   ({
  3. 	approveAction : function(component, event, helper) {
  4. 		var thisObj =;      
  5.         document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.remove("reject");
  6.         document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.add("approve");
  7.        //alert('thisObj ' + thisObj);
  8. 	},
  10.     rejectAction:function(component, event, helper){
  11.          var thisObj =;           
  12.         component.set('v.dataRowModal', thisObj);
  13.         document.getElementById('modalFade').classList.add("slds-fade-in-open");
  14.         document.getElementById('modalBackdrop').classList.add("slds-backdrop_open");
  15.     },
  17.     closePopup:function(component, event, helper){
  19.          document.getElementById('modalFade').classList.remove("slds-fade-in-open");
  20.          document.getElementById('modalBackdrop').classList.remove("slds-backdrop_open");
  21.     },    
  23.     saveFeedAction:function(component, event, helper){
  24.          var thisObj =;
  26.         var rejectFeedback = component.find('rejectFeedback').get('v.value');        
  27.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon0'){           
  28.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.remove("approve");        
  29.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.add("reject");
  30.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg0',rejectFeedback);
  31.         }
  32.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon1'){
  33.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.remove("approve");        
  34.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.add("reject");
  35.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg1',rejectFeedback);
  36.         }
  38.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon2'){
  39.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.remove("approve");        
  40.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.add("reject");
  41.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg2',rejectFeedback);
  42.         }
  43.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon3'){
  44.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.remove("approve");        
  45.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.add("reject");
  46.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg3',rejectFeedback);
  47.         }
  48.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon4'){
  49.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.remove("approve");        
  50.             document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.add("reject");
  51.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg4',rejectFeedback);
  52.         }
  54.         document.getElementById('modalFade').classList.remove("slds-fade-in-open");
  55.         document.getElementById('modalBackdrop').classList.remove("slds-backdrop_open");       
  56.     },
  58.     approveAction:function(component, event, helper){
  59.         helper.approveActionHelper(component, event, helper);
  60.     },
  63. })

Create Component JavaScript Helper

Step 4:- Create Lightning Component : approveRejectCmpHelper.js

From Developer Console >> File >> New >> Lightning Component >> JavaScript Helper

approveRejectCmpHelper.js [JavaScript Helper File]

  1.   ({
  2. 	approveActionHelper:function(component, event, helper){
  3.         var thisObj =;      
  4.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon0'){
  5.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg0','Approved');
  6.         }
  7.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon1'){
  9.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg1','Approved');
  10.         }
  12.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon2'){            
  13.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg2','Approved');
  14.         }
  15.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon3'){            
  16.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg3','Approved');
  17.         }
  18.         if(thisObj == 'dataRowIcon4'){            
  19.             component.set('v.rejectDocumentMsg4','Approved');
  20.         }
  21.         document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.remove("reject");
  22.         document.getElementById(thisObj).classList.add("approve");
  23.     },
  25. })

Create Component Style CSS

Step 5:- Create Lightning Component Style: approveRejectCmp.css

From Developer Console >> File >> New >> Lightning Component >> Component Style CSS

approveRejectCmp.css [Style CSS]

  1.   .THIS {
  2. }
  3. .THIS .dataRowIcon .approvalIcon, .THIS .dataRowIcon .rejectIcon{display:none;}
  4. .THIS .dataRowIcon .slds-fade-in-open{display:none;}
  5. .THIS .dataRowIcon .slds-backdrop_open{display:none;}
  6. .THIS .dataRowIcon.showModal .slds-fade-in-open, .THIS .dataRowIcon.showModal .slds-backdrop_open{display:block;}
  7. .THIS .dataRowIcon.approve .approvalIcon{display:inline-block;}
  8. .THIS .dataRowIcon.reject .rejectIcon{display:inline-block;}

Approve/Reject Status In Lightning Component --

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is a approval process in Salesforce?

An approval process is an automated process that approves records in Salesforce. When you build an approval process, you specify the steps necessary for approval. A given step can apply to all records or just records with certain attributes.

What are two final approval actions in an approval process Salesforce?

Final approval actions occur when all required approvals were obtained. A final rejection action occurs when an approver rejects the request and it moves to the final rejection state. An outbound message sends information to a designated endpoint, like an external service.

How many steps are in approval process?

The approval process ensures that all the necessary steps take place to complete any approval, while rules govern how the request is handled at various stages of the process. The following figure illustrates the five stages of any approval process.

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