Hey guys, Today in this post we are going to learn about How to Create a Contact Record With Re-Usable Dynamic Custom Lookup Field in Lightning Web Component – LWC.
Files we used in this post example:-
lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.html | Lightning Web Component HTML | Template HTML file used to write HTML element for build user interface. |
lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.js |
Lightning Web Component JavaScript | It is hold First Name, Last Name, Phone , Email and Submit button click functionality. |
lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.js-meta.xml |
XML Meta File | It is used for where this lightning web component should be exposed. |
lwcAccountCustomLookup.html |
Lightning Web Component HTML | It is Templae HTML file and hold a Account Search Lookup Field. |
lwcAccountCustomLookup.js | Lightning Web Component JavaScript | It is hold Search function and fetch the account name value from database server. |
lwcAccountCustomLookup.js-meta.xml | XML Meta File | It is used for where this lightning web component should be exposed |
lwcApexController.cls | Apex Controller | It is used for Insert a Contact Record with Custom Lookup Field into database sserver |
Live Demo
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Step 1:- Create Lightning Web Component : lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.html
SFDX:Lightning Web Component >> New >> lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.html
lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.html [Lightning Web Component HTML]
<lightning-card title="Create custom lookup on contact object" icon-name="standard:contact">
<div class="slds-p-horizontal_small">
<lightning-input label="First Name" value={firstname} onchange={contactHandleChange} class="slds-m-bottom_x-small slds-p-horizontal_small slds-form-element"></lightning-input>
<lightning-input label="Last Name" value={lastname} onchange={contactHandleChange} class="slds-m-bottom_x-small slds-p-horizontal_small slds-form-element"></lightning-input>
<lightning-input label="Phone" value={phone} onchange={contactHandleChange} class="slds-m-bottom_x-small slds-p-horizontal_small slds-form-element"></lightning-input>
<lightning-input label="Email" value={email} onchange={contactHandleChange} class="slds-m-bottom_x-small slds-p-horizontal_small slds-form-element"></lightning-input>
<c-lwc-account-custom-lookup onselected={myLookupHandle}></c-lwc-account-custom-lookup><br/>
<lightning-button label="Submit" variant="brand" onclick={createLookupContactAction} class="slds-m-bottom_x-small slds-p-horizontal_small slds-form-element"></lightning-button>
<br/> <br/>
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Step 2:- Create Lightning Web Component : lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.js
SFDX:Lightning Web Component >> New >> lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.js
lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.js [LWC JavaScript File]
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
import { createRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
import { NavigationMixin } from 'lightning/navigation';
import CONTACT_OBJECT from '@salesforce/schema/Contact';
import contactFirstName from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.FirstName';
import contactLastName from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.LastName';
import contactPhone from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.Phone';
import contactEmail from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.Email';
import accountFieldId from '@salesforce/schema/Contact.AccountId';
export default class LwcCreateContactCustomLookup extends NavigationMixin(LightningElement) {
@track selectedAccountId;
@track contactId;
firstname = '';
lastname = '';
phoneNo = '';
emailId = '';
contactHandleChange(event) {
if(event.target.label=='First Name'){
this.firstname = event.target.value;
if(event.target.label=='Last Name'){
this.lastname = event.target.value;
this.phoneNo = event.target.value;
this.emailId = event.target.value;
const fields = {};
fields[contactFirstName.fieldApiName] = this.firstname;
fields[contactLastName.fieldApiName] = this.lastname;
fields[contactPhone.fieldApiName] = this.phoneNo;
fields[contactEmail.fieldApiName] = this.emailId;
fields[accountFieldId.fieldApiName] = this.selectedAccountId;
const recordInput = { apiName: CONTACT_OBJECT.objectApiName, fields };
.then(contactobj=> {
this.contactId = contactobj.id;
new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'Success',
message: 'Contact created successfully..!',
variant: 'success',
type: 'standard__recordPage',
attributes: {
recordId: contactobj.id,
objectApiName: 'Contact',
actionName: 'view'
.catch(error => {
new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'Error creating record',
message: error.body.message,
variant: 'error',
this.selectedAccountId = event.detail;
Step 3:- Create Lightning Web Component : lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.js-meta.xml
SFDX:Lightning Web Component >> New >> lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.js-meta.xml
lwcCreateContactCustomLookup.js-meta.xml [LWC Meta Data XML]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
Step 4:- Create Lightning Web Component : lwcAccountCustomLookup.html
SFDX:Lightning Web Component >> New >> lwcAccountCustomLookup.html
lwcAccountCustomLookup.html [Lightning Web Component HTML]
<div class="slds-p-horizontal_small">
<div class="row">
<div class="slds-form-element">
<div class="slds-form-element__control">
<div class="slds-combobox_container">
<div class="slds-combobox slds-dropdown-trigger slds-dropdown-trigger_click" aria-expanded="false"
aria-haspopup="listbox" role="combobox">
<div class="slds-combobox__form-element slds-input-has-icon slds-input-has-icon_right"
<lightning-input type="search" id="combobox-id-16" value={accountName}
onchange={searchHandleKeyChange} onkeydown={searchHandleClick} onclick={searchHandleClick}
onblur={searchHandleClick} aria-activedescendant="option1" label='Account'
aria-autocomplete="list" aria-controls="listbox-id-12" role="textbox"
<!-- Start : Parent Search Result -->
<div if:true={messageResult}>
No Result Found!
<template if:true={showSearchedValues}>
<div class="slds-box" style="height: 130px; overflow-y: scroll;">
<ul class="" role="">
<template for:each={accountList} for:item="actObj">
<li class="slds-p-around_x-small" style="cursor: pointer;" key={actObj.Id}
onclick={parentHandleAction} data-value={actObj.Id}
Step 5:- Create Lightning Web Component : lwcAccountCustomLookup.js
SFDX:Lightning Web Component >> New >> lwcAccountCustomLookup.js
lwcAccountCustomLookup.js [LWC JavaScript File]
import { LightningElement, track, wire } from 'lwc';
import getCustomLookupAccount from '@salesforce/apex/lwcApexController.getCustomLookupAccount';
export default class LwcAccountCustomLookup extends LightningElement {
@track accountName='';
@track accountList=[];
@track objectApiName='Account';
@track accountId;
@track isShow=false;
@track messageResult=false;
@track isShowResult = true;
@track showSearchedValues = false;
retrieveAccounts ({error,data}){
console.log('data## ' + data.length);
if(data.length>0 && this.isShowResult){
this.accountList =data;
else if(data.length == 0){
if(this.accountName != ''){
else if(error){
this.isShowResult = true;
this.messageResult = false;
this.accountName = event.target.value;
this.showSearchedValues = false;
this.isShowResult = false;
//Set the parent calendar id
this.accountId = event.target.dataset.value;
//Set the parent calendar label
this.accountName = event.target.dataset.label;
const selectedEvent = new CustomEvent('selected', { detail: this.accountId });
// Dispatches the event.
Step 6:- Create Lightning Web Component : lwcAccountCustomLookup.js-meta.xml
SFDX:Lightning Web Component >> New >> lwcAccountCustomLookup.js-meta.xml
lwcAccountCustomLookup.js-meta.xml [LWC Meta Data XML]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
Step 7:- Create Lightning Web Component : lwcApexController.cls
SFDX:Create Apex Class >> New >> lwcApexController.cls
lwcApexController.cls[Apex Class Controller]
public WITH sharing class lwcApexController {
//custom lookup lwc
public static List<Account> getCustomLookupAccount (String actName){
List<Account> accLookupList = NEW List<Account>();
IF(actName != ''){
String accountName = '%' + actName + '%';
accLookupList = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name LIKE:accountName];
RETURN accLookupList;
RETURN accLookupList;
Further post that would you like to learn in Salesforce
How do you display a lookup field in lightning Web component?
Use the lightning-input-field component in lightning-record-edit-form to display and edit the value of a record field of a Salesforce object. Use the field-name attribute to specify the API field name.
What is custom lookup in Salesforce?
Creates a relationship between two records so you can associate them with each other. On the parent record, you can display a related list to show all of the records that are linked to it.
On which object is the lookup relationship created?
Lookup relationship always created on Chld Object. It is a one type of relationship which form loose bond relationship between Parent object and Child object. In lookup Child record need not be associated to a parent. Lookup field is not required on the page layouts of the detail object.
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